Change of Plans

Just to keep everyone in the loop, there has been a slight change of plans with my travels. One of the main reasons I started my trip to North Africa/Middle East in Tunisia is because my friend Andrea lives in Tunis and she offered that I could use her place as a basecamp for different segments of my trip. Originally Andrea was planning to be in Tunis for a two year assignment but after about six months in-country she just found out that her role will be ending next month. This means that a lot of the traveling she was planning to do over the next year and a half has to be accelerated and as such she invited me along with her to Casablanca to visit Sanaa, a Moroccan friend of hers from Business School.

Since Andrea still has to actually go to work (unlike myself ;-) ) she can only visit Morocco for a long weekend while I can then hang out for another 5 days before returning to Tunis. The reason I have to head back that quickly is I already signed up for a couple of activities in Tunisia starting on the 19th including a black-tie dinner with the who's who of the Tunisian business world as well as a trip around the south of the country with a bunch of people from her work. Besides, if there is still a bunch of stuff I want to see in Morocco after I leave then I can always head back...